Issue Position: Veterans

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Issues: Veterans

"If we truly honor the courageous acts of those who fight for and protect America, we must always care for those who return home and the families of those who don't. No veteran should be homeless, no veteran should be untreated, and no veteran should be forgotten."
- Bryan Townsend
A new generation of veterans has returned home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Like the many heroes who came before them, they have earned our admiration and our gratitude -- and they have earned world-class care.

Bryan believes Congress must work to modernize the Veterans Administration for America's 22 million veterans, many of whom have spent years without the support their service merits. This means better traditional health care, fewer scheduling backlogs, and increased access to specialists. This includes the freedom to seek care outside the VA system, especially those veterans in southern Delaware who live farther away from core VA facilities. He also supports efforts to increase access to mental health services critical to reducing the alarming suicide rate among combat veterans, and ending the backlogs of petitions for accurate disability ratings. Finally, Bryan supports enhancing job-training opportunities that can help our former soldiers, sailors and marines customize their skills for their next career.

Sending our servicemen and women to war should always be our last resort. But if and when military action becomes necessary, Congress has a responsibility to commit to funding their long-term care before we send them into harm's way. Their dedication and sacrifice deserve ours in return.
